Metacognition, Creativity and Problem solving among Adults


  • Medha Department of Psychology Patna Women‘s College (Autonomous)


Metacognition, Creativity and Problem Solving


Metacognition is viewed as the ability to think about one‟s current cognitive processes (Flavell, 1976). It is also called “cognition about cognition,” which plays a topdown regulation role in various cognitive processes. Creativity is the ability to bring into existence something new, which can be either a new solution to a problem, a new method or device, or a new artistic object or form. Problem solving is the analysis and transformation of information towards a specific goal. It is the process of constructing and applying mental representations of problems to find solutions to those problems that are encountered in nearly every context. The aim of the present study is to examine the relationship between metacognition, creativity and problem solving and among adults as well as gender differences in all three. Data was collected from adults that of age range of 18 to 25 years (N=100; 50 male and 50 female) via online mode by using the scales related to all three variables of the study. The findings revealed that there‟s a negative correlation between metacognition and problem solving. Moreover, a negative correlation was also found between metacognition and creativity. The correlation found between problem solving and creativity was found to be insignificant. There was non-significant no relationship between problem solving and creativity among adults. The insignificant
gender differences were found between metacognition and creativity but there's a significant gender difference found between problem solving among adults.



How to Cite

Medha. (2024). Metacognition, Creativity and Problem solving among Adults. QUEST - A Peer Reviewed Research Journal, 2(1), 31–41. Retrieved from


