Author Guideline
The journal 'Quest' is committed to promoting high-quality research and upholding ethical standards in publishing. To ensure clarity and fairness in authorship attribution, the following guidelines should be followed:
Authorship Criteria:
Authors should have made substantial intellectual contributions to the manuscript, including the conception, design, execution, and/or analysis and interpretation of data.
Authors should participate in drafting, reviewing, and revising the manuscript for intellectual content.
Authors must read and approve the final version of the manuscript for submission.
Corresponding Author:
The corresponding author should be designated to act as the point of contact between co-authors and the journal.
The corresponding author may or may not be the first author but assumes overall responsibility for the manuscript.
The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all co-authors meet the authorship criteria and have given their consent for submission.
Adding Authors during Submission:
The submitting author should provide complete details of each author during the online submission process.
Each author's full name (first name, middle name, last name), valid and correct email address, country, and affiliation should be provided.
All authors should be added in the same order as presented in the manuscript file.
Consent of Co-authors:
Co-authors must provide explicit consent to the corresponding author for their inclusion as authors.
The corresponding author should obtain consent by sending a submission acknowledgement email to all co-authors and requesting their reply to confirm their awareness of the submission.
Co-authors should reply to the submission acknowledgment email within 1 week, indicating their consent for authorship.
Change in Authorship:
Care should be taken during the initial submission to accurately list all authors, their spelling, affiliations, and order.
Requests for change or modification in authorship, including additions or deletions, will not be considered after the review process has begun, except during the manuscript revision stage for significant contributions.
The submitting author should provide an explanation for any addition of new authors, along with the consent of all co-authors.
Responsibilities of Authors:
All authors, including corresponding and co-authors, are responsible for ensuring their eligibility for authorship based on the criteria mentioned above.
Authors should review and approve the manuscript for submission in 'Quest' and comply with the journal's publication ethics.
Authors should confirm the accuracy and integrity of the manuscript's facts and data before submission.
Student Authors:
Students of PG level should obtain prior permission and approval from their mentor.
The supervisor or mentor should be included as a co-author for student authors.
Ethics and Agreement:
All authors should read and adhere to the ethics for authors as outlined by 'Quest.'
By submitting the article to 'Quest,' authors agree to the terms and conditions specified in the authorship guidelines and the journal's publication ethics.
These authorship guidelines are designed to ensure fairness, transparency, and adherence to ethical practices in authorship attribution for 'Quest.' Authors should familiarize themselves with these guidelines and ensure their compliance during the submission process.