Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
Author Guidelines
This journal will consider Research Article, Review Article, Short Review, and Short Communication; visit section policy for more detail on each article type.
Author(s) are expected to comply with the best ethical practice in research & publication.
The author is supposed to be aware of the paper publishing process and required reviewing time under free publication as well as rapid publication options.
Prior to submitting your manuscript, please ensure that your manuscript is according to the following guidelines-
Submission Method
The manuscript shall be submitted by using the online submission system only. The submitting author is responsible for the submission on behalf of all authors.
- Cover letter Requirement
A separate scanned copy of the copyright form in the pdf format should be uploaded during the manuscript submission.
The suggestion of 3 potential reviewers with their affiliation and working email id. Referees should be selected from other institutions than those where the author(s) work.
- Author's Detail Requirement
The first page of the article (Just before abstract section) should include complete detail of each author in the following format (use the same format as given below)-
Full Name:
Highest Qualification:
Affiliation (Department and College/University):
Post/Rank (If a PG student, provide the course name and course year):
email id: (fake/wrong/invalid email id may cause article rejection)
All author(s) presented in the manuscript should be added in the same order during step 3 of online submission.
- Text formatting requirements
The manuscript should be in A4 size with a double column layout, normal margin and the text should be 1.15 line-spaced; with 12-point, Times New Roman font.
All manuscripts must contain the essential elements of the article and divide the article into clearly defined sections, for example, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Declarations, and References. Further, all Headings/subheadings should be numbered appropriately using the style tag of Microsoft Word (heading 1, heading 2......).
The abstract should be within 300 words. Abstract and conclusion sections should be written with continuous sentences without any subheading in it, do not use bullet point/numbered list. The abstract and conclusion section should not have any citations within it.
The final formatting of the published article is different from the submission requirement as final formatting in the accepted article gets applied by our copy editor at the copy editing stage. Hence, the author shall follow this guideline for formatting instead of following the pattern of the published article of this journal.
3.1 Figures and tables embedded in the text
All illustrations; figures and tables should be placed within the text at the appropriate place with a consistent figure/table number and descriptive title (caption).
Each figure/table should be explained in the text by referring to the corresponding figure/table number.
Please ensure that the figures are of high resolution and the tables are drawn using the MS word table tool.
3.2 References
The author should include at least 50% recent (from the last 2 years) reference citations.
All references must be numbered consecutively and citations of references in the text should be identified using numbers in square brackets. All references should be cited within the text; otherwise, these references will be automatically removed.
All cited references should be listed after the Declarations section in the IEEE style. For example -
[3] W. S. Author, "Title of paper", Name of Journal in italic, vol. x, no. x, pp. xxx-xxx, Abbrev. Month, year. doi or URL (link)
Main features of citation style are given as-
The author's name format is, "first name (Initial), middle name (Initial) and last name". This differs from other styles where the author's last name is first.
The title of an article (or chapter, conference paper, patent, etc.) is in quotation marks.
The title of the book or journal is in italics.
Article Processing Charge (APC) & Reviewing Time
QUEST accepts original research papers and case studies of researchers, which publishes 2 issues per year (bi-annually). Processing fee is Rs.1,500/- (Rupees One thousand five hundred only) which is non-refundable, and is to be paid along with the research paper, through Demand Draft in favour of Principal, Patna Women's College, payable at Patna or through Online Payment whose details are as follows:
Account Holder Name - Principal Bursar, Research Fund A/c
A/C No. : 85970100002275
Branch : Bank of Baroda, Patna Women’s College
The concerned research paper will be published only after it receives the required recommendations from the reviewer.